Clarky on Chords

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

and a bit later

major giant sized hint.....

we have the key of C..

C, D, E, F, G, A, B

chord VII is rooted on the note B

the triad is root.. 3rd... 5th....

so the notes are: B, D, F

the intervals are Root, minor 3rd, diminished 5th...

from the selction of chord types below, match the sequence of intervals and give your chord a name..

X major [written X] = root, major 3rd, perfect 5th
X minor [written Xm] = root, minor 3rd, perfect 5th
X major augmented 5th [written X aug5 or X #5] = root, major 3rd, augmented 5th
X diminished [written X dim or Xº] = root, minor 3rd, diminished 5th



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